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Update vom: 12.06.2022

Back problems – 5 reasons why cycling helps in the office

Back problems – 5 reasons why cycling helps in the office

As a PhD student, I had back problems a few years ago. I did sport regularly, but that was not enough to counter the constant sitting whilst studying at university. Sometimes it hurt up between my shoulder blades, sometimes I felt it in the lumbar region. I suffered from pain at regular intervals. Treatment with the ostheopath helped me to get rid of the worst back problems, but I wasn’t saved yet. It was 2013 and when I was in my late twenties I didn’t want to put up with back pain for the rest of my life. Fortunately, I went on a long bike trip just that summer. At the beginning I still felt tension in my back, but with each passing day the problems subsided more and more, until they finally disappeared completely. Subconsciously, I had done just the right thing. It was only after my bike trip that I understood how good cycling was for my back.

#1 Vitalize intervertebral discs and avoid back problems

By moving my legs and hips, I mobilized my spine and avoided static strain. Intervertebral discs have to be strained and relieved alternately so that they are supplied with nutrients and stay alive. This is exactly what happens when cycling when the spine is mobilised. In the office, on the other hand, the spine is hardly mobilized when sitting. It is statically strained. Any kind of static strain is detrimental for our body and inevitably leads to problems.

#2 Strengthening back muscles to prevent back problems

With the asymmetrical movements of my legs, I trained the supporting muscles around the spine. The supporting muscles are essential to protect the spine from injuries and to maintain an upright posture. Especially when sitting (in the office), the supporting muscles are hardly challenged and recede. It can then neither take over its protective function nor keep the torso upright. If the back muscles are too weak, the spine is stressed unnaturally and wears out faster. Problems will inevitably arise.

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# 3 Avoid tension and cramps

Mental and physical strain can lead to muscle tension and spasms. As a rule, these tensions act as a protective function for the body. For example, if you put the wrong strain on your back, your muscles will immediately tense and maintain that tension. This tension stabilizes your posture and protects you from worse injuries. Sometimes this tension lasts longer and leads to muscle pain. Here, too, cycling helps because active movement makes you more relaxed and less stressed. You are more resistant (and more resilient) to stress.

# 4 Generally strengthening the vitality of the back

Whilst cycling, you activate your cardiovascular system: blood circulation is enhanced. This brings more nutrients to cells in the body and metabolic waste products are more easily removed. The vitality of the entire body and of course the back is strengthened.

# 5 Cycling in the office protects against accidents

Wolfgang, one of our active readers, drew my attention to this fifth point. When cycling in the office, no accidents can happen. You neither slip away on wet ground, like he has done, nor can you get hit by a car. You avoid unnecessary dangers when cycling in the office.

No time to ride a bike, no problem.

If you too are now enthusiastic about cycling, but have too few opportunities to cycle, then I have the ideal solution for you. I felt the same way, which is why I invented the FitSeat. FitSeat is the sustainable premium bicycle office chair that turns your desk time into fitness time. With the FitSeat, you can easily cycle while working at your desk. If you are interested, use the opportunity now to

Fitter, healthier and more productive in the office

If you do not want to try it yet, but would like to become fitter, healthier and more productive despite having an office job, then use our free Impluse Service. Every week you will receive an impulse from me that will sustainably increase your fitness, health and performance. Guaranteed!

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