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Update vom: 12.06.2022

Diabetes – a cure without medication whilst working?

Diabetes – a cure without medication whilst working?

Edemic Diabetes

Insulin resistance leads to typical health problems for prediabetics and diabetics. The reduced insulin sensitivity in muscle and fat tissue, the heart and lungs expresses itself, both during periods of normal and increased sugar levels in the blood. The permanently increased blood sugar level is the cause of the increasing insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes and triggers diabetes with other diseases. Currently (2020) around 560,000 people in Germany develop diabetes every year. That corresponds roughly to a big city such as Bremen.

How can diabetes be prevented?

A coherent concept of measures for the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus includes a holistic training setting with exercise and nutrition advice. For many diabetics, a change from a sedentary lifestyle to health-promoting physical activities is important. That is why moderate exercise is also useful during work. In connection with the essential training content, the physical complaints can be improved and in some cases completely cured. In the individually compiled setting discussed with a specialist and experts, you ideally improve endurance, strengthen large muscle groups, enhance coordination with the focus on foot motor skills, mobilize the joints and use components of relaxation techniques with breathing exercises.

Physical activity has a positive effect on type 2 diabetes mellitus

The increased physical activity has a positive impact on type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic diseases and cardiovascular diseases, which are often related to one another in their development. The focus is also on conveying the way in which movement, i.e. an active lifestyle, can be integrated into work and everyday life. The preventive and rehabilitative adaptation processes that arise during exercise improve physical and mental health. The fun factor plays a major role in physical activity. Whether and how I move is crucial for my motivation. The joy of movement is one of the deciding factors in whether I work with a positive feeling or whether my training is sustainable.

Daily exercise is crucial

People who already suffer from prediabetes as a preliminary stage of diabetes mellitus, who have a genetic predisposition for diabetes mellitus and additionally increased risk factors such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, increased LDL cholesterol levels, metabolic diseases or lack of exercise should and must move more, ideally on a daily basis. Because (pre)diabetics very often have a chronic lack of exercise. The resulting diseases, such as metabolic syndrome, circulatory disorders or “diabetic foot syndrome” and other pathological accompanying symptoms are not a fate to which those affected are helpless.

A change in lifestyle is essential

Physical activity improves numerous metabolic parameters that have a positive effect on wellbeing and quality of life. In order to experience the healing processes, however, a change in lifestyle is required. Movement must become a daily principle of life, both at work and during specific training units.

With FitSeat, the desired change in behavior is amazingly easy. Movement in the workplace becomes one of the “easily” achievable therapeutic goals. The moderate physical activity on the FitSeat serves as a valuable basis for a health-promoting and, above all, sustainable change in behavior. The healthier lifestyle has beneficial impacts and also makes some drugs with undesirable side effects unnecessary.

Movement on the FitSeat in combination with effective training is the most sensible thing that diabetics can do independently for their metabolic process and health. Physical activity has a significant impact on a variety of existing diabetes problems. Through movement …

  • blood sugar level drops
  • insulin sensitivity increases
  • blood pressure drops
  • LDL cholesterol decreases
  • blood circulation in the organs, brain and heart is improved
  • vital capacity increases

Exercise is the best medicine for type 2 diabetics!

As a primary preventive measure, but also as a secondary preventive measure, an active exercise routine must be practiced on a daily basis. Because in this way the symptoms of diabetes can be weakened and in some cases even completely cured. Exercise is the best medicine for type 2 diabetics!

Links for more information


  • American Diabetes Association in cooperation with the Deutschen Diabetes Association (DDG) (2020): Living with Type 2 Diabetes for dummies®, Wiley-VCH Publishers.
  • Poole, D. C. / Jones, A. M. (2017): CORP: Measurement of the Maximum Oxygen Uptake (VO2max): VO2peak is no longer acceptable, Journal of Applied Physiology, jap-01063.
  • German Diabetes Association (Hrsg. 2014): 50 Years DDG, Berlin.
  • Frøsig, C. / Rose, A. J. / Treebak, J. T./ Kiens, B. / Richter, E. A. / Wojtaszewski, J. F. (2007): Effects of endurance exercise training on insulin signaling in human skeletal muscle. Diabetes, 56(8), 2093-2102.
  • Green, H. J./ Bombardier, E. / Duhamel, T. A. / Stewart, R. D., Tupling, A. R., / Ouyang, J. (2008). Metabolic, enzymatic, and transporter responses in human muscle during three consecutive days of exercise and recovery. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 295(4), R1238-R1250.
  • Halle, M. / Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. / Hambrecht, R. / Berg, A. (Hrsg., 2008): Sport-therapie in medicine, Evidence based prevention and therapy, Schattauer, Stuttgart / New York.
  • Hoffstad, O. / Mitra, N. / Walsh, J. et al. (2015): Diabetes, lower-extremity amputation, and death. Diabetes Care 2015; 38: 1852–7.
  • Hohmann, A. / Lames, M. / Letzelter, M. / Pfeifer, M. (20207): An introduction to the science of training, Limpert, Wiebelsheim.
  • Hollmann, M. (2017): Myokine therapy factor – The transmitter medium of muscles, physiotherapy 2017; 15(04): 38-39, DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-101662, Georg Thieme Publishers Stuttgart, New York.
  • Hollmann, W. (2011): Epigenetics – a new subject for preventative sports medicine, in: German magazine for sports medicine, 62, Nr. 4 (2011), 85.
  • Kraniou, G. N. / Cameron‐Smith, D. / Hargreaves, M. (2004). Effect of short‐term training on GLUT‐4 mRNA and protein expression in human skeletal muscle. Experimental physiology, 89(5), 559-563.
  • Kraniou, G. N. / Cameron-Smith, D., / Hargreaves, M. (2006): Acute exercise and GLUT4 expression in human skeletal muscle: influence of exercise intensity. Journal of applied physiology, 101(3), 934-937.
  • Kröger, K. / Berg, C. / Santosa, F. / Malyar, N. / Reinecke, H. (2017): Lower limb amputation in Germany—an analysis of data from the German Federal Statistical Office between 2005 and 2014. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2017; 114: 130–6.
  • Meier, H. (2007): Practiced medical training therapy, AMS Publisher, Nürnberg
  • Richter, E. A., / Hargreaves, M. (2013): Exercise, GLUT4, and skeletal muscle glucose uptake. Physiological reviews, 93(3), 993-1017.
  • Robert Koch-Institut (2019): Diabetes in Germany, Report of national diabetes surveillance.
  • Spork, P. (2009): The second code: epigenetics – or how we can control our inherited features, Rowohlt, Reinbek near Hamburg.
  • Tamayo, T. / Brinks, R. / Hoyer, A. et al (2016).: The prevalence and incidence of diabetes in Germany, Dtsch Arztebl Int 2016; 113: 177–82.
  • WHO (2015): Guideline: Sugars intake for adults and children, World Health Organization,,Geneva
  • WHO (2015): European strategy by the WHO to encourage movement (2016–2025), Vilnius (Litauen), 14.–17. September 2015.

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