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FitSeat® Magazin

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Update vom: 12.06.2022

Online EmoTalk®: Success knows no limits • Live pain-free

Online EmoTalk®: Success knows no limits • Live pain-free

Learn and discuss with us live on Wednesday Learn and discuss with us live on Wed. May 5th from 12pm to 1pm how physical exercise brings MOVEMENT into LIFE and relieves pain.

Take the chance and ask your questions, let yourself be inspired and inspire others … or just watch and relax.

Find out in this online EmoTalk® how you can bring MOVEMENT INTO LIFE and relieve pain through physical exercise.

This team of experts is available to answer you questions:

Dr.-Ing. Jan Gumprecht


Dr. Jan Gumprecht
Entrepreneur, researcher, inventor of FitSeat
known from

With FitSeat, you too can combine productivity & working hours with personal fitness – without spending any extra time!

Dr.-Ing. Jan Gumprecht’s passion for sport was evident at the latest when he won the German rowing championship and manifested itself again on many long-distance bike trips across Europe.

The peak of his international studies (Germany, Canada, USA, Japan) was at the end of his diploma thesis at Harvard Medical School.
He learned about the use of scientific tools during his doctorate in the field of medical robotics at the Technical University in Munich.

Towards the end of his doctorate, Dr. Gumprecht disliked the fact that he spent too much time at his desk, not moving.

He invented FitSeatTo solve his own problem. FitSeat is a combination between a stationary bike and an office chair.
Dr. Gumprecht invented FitSeat so that he could help as many people as possible to be more productive and healthier in the workplace.

Many well known brands already trust his products, such as SAP, Unilever, BP, HILTI, DEVK, Swatch, MAN etc.

In EmoTalk® you will find out from Dr.-Ing. Gumprecht, how you can sustainably improve your performance during working hours


Raphael Kiemann

Coach | Entrepreneur | Dreamer

If your body is not there for you 100%, EVERYTHING is harder.

Raphael Kiemann says that athletes have long recognized that exercise, nutrition and mental trainingare essential to achieve their potential.

Yet their game only lasts 60 or 90 minutes.

Most employees, executives or entrepreneurs work for 24 hours, non-stop.

Raphael Kiemann has made it his mission to show people how simply, easily and playfully a healthy lifestyle can be integrated into everyday life.

This means that everyone has the chance to have a healthy and vital lifestyle that is fun, without having to restrict anything.

Vitality and joy are our original state and we can only experience them with our body. It is our most important task that we take care of our body.

Then transformations and miracles happen all by themselves!


Carmen Uth, coach, trainer, lecturer on the subject of emotion

Our brain does not differentiate between physicaland emotional pain. We even feel some emotional pain physically: abdominal pain, sweating, nausea, freezing, trembling …


As a rule, we haven’t learned how to deal with emotional pain, let alone how to resolve it.

The fact is, pain grows when we try to suppress it!

It is also a fact that for a SHORT MOMENT it can be painfulto uncover your own trauma.

But it is also a fact that the liberation from [emotionalen] pain leads to a significantly higher quality of life and more happiness.

So why wait to push through the “mountain of pain” in front of you?

Rather, climb to new heights!

How this works? Be there!


On 05.05.2021, 12:00 – 13:00

Flexible from wherever you are via zoom

Please register, ideally now

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