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FitSeat® Magazin

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FitSeat® Magazin

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Update vom: 12.06.2022

OHM and OHP – What is the difference?

OHM and OHP – What is the difference?

Whilst talking to one of our specialist suppliers last week, I realized that it is not always very clear which elements make up occupational health management (OHM). The most important document in relation to OHM is the DIN SPEC 91020 standard. This details the three main pillars which make up OHM:

  • occupational safety
  • workplace health promotion (OHP) and
  • the operational integration management (OIM).

The OHP is therefore part of the OHM and not the other way around. If you do not have the standard at hand, you can read it again here:

  • INQA brochure – Healthy employees – healthy company. A practical guide for occupational health management (OHM)
  • Health Resulting Group

Occupational Health Promotion (OHP) with FitSeat

In contrast to occupational safety and OIM, workplace health promotion is a voluntary measure taken by companies. It is not prescribed by law. When I speak to those interested in FitSeat at trade fairs, FitSeat is usually seen first with regards to OHP. That’s a good thing, because FitSeat is a wonderful way to strengthen the physical and mental health of employees. For example, FitSeat has a positive impact on wellbeing, mobilises the musculoskeletal system and spine, and strengthens the immune system.

Occupational Integration Management (OIM) with FitSeat

People often overlook that FitSeat offers an advantage for mandatory measures such as the OIM as well as for occupational safety. Employees with knee and hip problems can return to work earlier with regards to reintegration therapy. Joints can be mobilized without straining them during working hours. In the case of high blood pressure and diabetes, FitSeat enables extensive exercise at a low intensity to improve control over the conditions.

OHM – Improved Occupational Safety with FitSeat

Last but not least, FitSeat also contributes to occupational safety by helping the prevention of typical injuries and illnesses in the office, such as back problems, burnout or cardiovascular diseases.

You could get many of the above mentioned benefits by exercising daily. But as more and more studies show, fewer and fewer people manage to do this [1]. Especially amongst those with the highest salaries, the main cause is lack of time [2]. This is exactly where FitSeat can help most, because you don’t need any extra time to use it. You can easily use FitSeat at the same time as working work, enabling you to manage your daily exercise routine.


  1. Froböse, I., Bialla, B., & Wallmann-Sperlich, B. (2019). DKV-Report 2018: How healthily does Germany live? Düsseldorf: DKV German Health Insurance
  2. Splendid Research. (2017). Why do Germans exercise and what is stopping them?

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